Studio Rental

The Coopérative des professeurs de musique makes rehearsal rooms available to musicians. It is possible to rent our premises from Monday to Friday between 9a.m. and 3p.m.


Grande salleDO majeur

650 square feet rehearsal room

Baldwin SF10, 7 feet concert grand piano

Capacity of 12 musicians or 20 singers

Music stands and chairs provided

Air conditioner

Rate of $30/h + taxes



DO mineurPetite salle

Rehearsal room of 325 square feet

Yamaha C3, 6 feet grand piano

Capacity of 6 musicians

Music stands and chairs provided

Air conditioner

Rate of $20/h + taxes




Studios SI, LA or SOLPetit local

80 square feet rehearsal room

Yamaha U1 or U3 upright piano

Capacity of 1 or 2 musicians

Music stands and chairs provided

Rate of $10/h + taxes