Baroque Ensemble

Baroque Ensemble Group Class

Interpret chamber music of Bach, Vivaldi and Couperin with your
favorite instrument in a friendly atmosphere.

The course objective is to introduce amateur musicians to Baroque music. All instrumentalists from beginner to intermediate levels are invited (voice, piano, violin, guitar, flute, cello, and other instruments). At the end of the session, the musicians will have played several works and will know the fundamentals of baroque interpretation.

The program is selected according to the level of the instrumentalists and their instrumental training. When the pieces are presented by the teacher, members share an interpretation plan and locate the challenges. The teacher works on each part individually or in small groups. Implementation in large ensemble is then gradually done, taking into account the suggestions and ideas of the students. To develop the overall cohesion, musicality and precision, the teacher offers musical exercises focused on listening to each other as well as on the development of the sense of rhythm, phrasing, and respect for the dynamics.
According to its musical and technical features, each work takes from 1 to 3 courses to be put in place. The teacher will make sure to answer the questions of the students and give them all the tools they need to play the parts.

We invite you to dive into the exciting world of Baroque music. You can acquire the skills demanded by the interpretation of early music in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


Maison des arts participatifs (Parc La Fontaine)
3819 Av. Calixa-Lavallée, Montréal, QC H2L 3A7

Being able to read music and having a beginner to intermediate level of the instrument.
Do not hesitate to contact the teacher to assess your level.

Required equipment for the student
Binder, pencil, instrument

Please register at least two weeks before the start of the course to allow us to choose the repertoire adapted to the instrumentation.

Note that all our group classes are given in French